뉴스레터 구독신청 정보 입력 폼

You are required to give consent to collection and use of personal information (mandatory) and receipt of marketing information (optional) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

1. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (required)

1. Purpose of Collection and Use

Provision of newsletter

2. Items to be Collected and Used

  • Mandatory items: Name , Email address, Company name
  • Optional items: Job title, Phone number

3. Period of Collection and Use

Collected personal information will be retained and used from the date of consent to collection and use of personal information until the purposes of collection and use are achieved, or you withdraw your consent.

4. Right to Refuse Consent and Disadvantages of Refusal

You may refuse collection and use of personal information, but if you do not consent to collection and use of mandatory information, you will not receive newsletter.

Do you agree to collect and use essential information (Name , Email address, Company name)?
Your consent is essential for registration.
Do you agree to collect and use optional information (Job title, Phone number)?
Your consent is essential for registration.
2. Receive Marketing Information (Optional)

Do you agree that Yulchon LLC retains and uses your personal information collected in 1 for the purpose of providing newsletter from the date of consent until the purpose of use and collection are achieved, or you withdraw your consent? You may refuse to consent to collection and use of personal information for the aforementioned purposes but in case of refusal, the service of providing newsletter will be restricted.

Do you agree with collection and use of marketing information?
Do you agree to receive marketing information?

※ You must agree to collect and use marketing information and receive marketing information in order to receive
newsletters, marketing information, and receive newsletters, seminar invitations, etc.